Simple. Better. Healthier
Remove Pigmentation for a Better Skin

Your skin’s pigmentation determines how it looks. Our skin cells deteriorate when they are exposed to the sun and the effects of ageing. This adverse effect reduces the amount of melanin produced, which is the pigment responsible for our skin colour. Consider melanin to be the tiny umbrellas that skin cells use to shield themselves from UV rays and the sun. On the hands, arms, and face, spots appear when melanin is unhealthy.
Changes in your skin’s melanin (pigment) are referred to as pigmentation, although there are various varieties and they all respond differently to treatments.
It should go without saying that getting the right diagnosis of the type of pigmentation you have is crucial if you want to benefit from treatment regimens.
Ephelides, or freckles, are the most prevalent type of pigmentation. These appear after prolonged sun exposure, especially if you have a fair skin. They get darker in the summer and get lighter in the winter. Freckles are also influenced by heredity.
These pigmented spots with a distinct edge are sometimes known as liver spots or sun spots. Their colour ranges from light brown to black, and they can appear anywhere on the body. The degree to which these melanin pigments are exposed to UV light determines how these spots are brought on by UV sun exposure.
Deeper pigmentation in the dermis of the skin is referred to as melasma or chloasma. On the face, it appears as broader brown areas with an unclear border. Women are more likely to have this sort of pigmentation.
This is a reaction to skin damage and can be brought on by acne, burns, friction, or abrasive clinical procedures such chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser therapy, and IPL. Although it may recur, this ailment frequently gets better with time and typically responds to topical treatments.
The recommended skin care option for reducing hyperpigmentation is a chemical peel. To enhance the look or feel of the skin, a chemical peel can be performed to the face, neck, and hands. The skin exfoliates and finally peels off when chemical solutions are administered, leaving the skin smoother and less wrinkled. Chemical peels have a short recovery period, lighten pigmentation as much as possible, and speed up cell turnover. Light, medium, and deep chemical peels are the three different varieties.
With our laser technology, the dark pigments that are kept in the veins are automatically drawn to the light. The skin absorbs the light and heats up as the laser focuses on the pigmented spots, without harming the nearby skin. The pigmented lesions will fade and slough off the treated area as the laser draws to the surface and heats up. The skin will be left with a uniform tone and complexion as a result. People with hyperpigmentation gradually get lighter in colour with each laser treatment, eventually disappearing entirely and going unnoticeable to the human eye.
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"Aliquet adipiscing vivamus ultrices ipsum, commodo vitae, elit nec ipsam luctus.
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Ben Richards, 41
Skin pigmentation determines a person’s skin tone.
A healthy person’s skin tone typically appears normal.
It is possible for your skin to seem darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter if you are ill or have been injured (hypopigmentation).
Hyperpigmentation is when your skin color is darker than usual. This happens when more melanin is produced by melanocytes due to certain triggering factors. Skin darkening may also be caused by the deposition of endogenous or exogenous pigments, such as hemosiderin, iron, or heavy metals, in the dermis.
UV rays from the sun or a tanning bed cause keratinocytes to release substances that stimulate melanocytes to generate melanin when skin is exposed to them.
cause skin to darken as a result of melanin building up in keratinocytes. This sort of pigmentation is more common in those with fair skin.
You can use a variety of treatment options, from topical to energy-based devices, to lessen your hyperpigmentation.
Certain treatments might not be appropriate or might result in an unfavourable reaction and aggravate the hyperpigmented areas depending on the skin types and circumstances.
Depending on the size of the treatment area, treatments might last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes or longer.
You should give a topical anaesthetic at least 20 to 30 minutes to take action if one is required.
Prior to therapy, it is best to discuss this with our experts.